pgrade to iPhone 3G is now free

NextWorth is to announce a new trade-in service, this time for first-generation iPhone owners who want to upgrade to the new 3G model. All users need to do is fill out a form, send their used handset and wait for the fat check to arrive. NextWorth customers can receive up to $ 200 for an 8 gigger, or as much as $ 300 for a 16 GB first-gen iPhone.

NextWorth deals with consumer electronic upgrades and trade-ins. The company specializes in analyzing whether a product is really in good shape and determine the price for it, based on current market values. To realise the full value out, your iPhone will be "easily wear and tear" condition, and must also have "no visible scratches on the screen with all the original accessories included." Given that Apple's iPhone 3G is currently the price of $ 199 (and $ 299 for 16 GB model), trade-in amount will fully cover, or almost cover the cost of the upgrade.

"As the demand for the first-generation iPhone in secondary markets remains strong, we can offer higher dollar exchanges and delete price issue from the decision to upgrade to a 3G iPhone," said Dave Chen, CEO of NextWorth. "We take advantage of this unique spike in market values and passing U.S. dollars back to consumers, making the upgrade as quickly and easily as possible."

If you want to know what happens to your iPhone when it has been traded in, NextWorth claims that are still useful trade-ins will be renovated and sold by the company, while "hard-worn" or "broken" cell phones will either be sold for their parts or disposed of a certified recycling partners. So, either way, it's all for the benefit of all, but most yours.

Here's how it goes. You fill out a form in which you specify conditions for your device. Remember, the current market values and the condition of the device determine the trade-in value. If you accept the sum of cash NextWorth, you get trade-in box in which you must carefully place the unit and all its accessories. You must then send it to NextWorth, which also pays for transport fees, for evaluation. If NextWorth notes that the device is in the condition specified by yourself, you may check in 7 to 14 days. That's it!

Alternatively, if you prefer to lock the price in exchange for a gift, you can turn on your iPhone to a participating retailer for instant credit. You can also get "immediate in-store credit" If you participate in Circuit City and J & R Computer World stores.


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